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RE: End of an era?

To: "'T. .R. Dafforn'" <td214@cam.ac.uk>,
Subject: RE: End of an era?
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 15:59:03 +0100

Sorry to hear that you and Sophie may be parting company.  As you saw, Daffy
has a child seat fitted to her passenger seat almost all the time, and Flora
loves riding in her - but she's not practical.  We survived so far by always
taking my wife's car when all three of us needed to go somewhere.

With the imminent arrival of number two, the days when I can carry all my
offspring in a Spit are very numbered.  My solution has been the acquisition
of a moped-engine-powered shopping trolley (otherwise known as a Fiat Uno)
for use when extra space is needed, or the weather is more than I want to
subject Daffy to.

Your solution (replacing a Triumph with a Triumph) does have a certain
merit, meaning you still get to drive a Triumph all the time.  If I were to
go that route, however, I would be sorely tempted to head for a Stag...

I hope Sophie goes to a good home, and you find another car worthy of taking
her place.

All the best,


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