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Re: Superwealth may be SUPER VIRUS

To: herald1200@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Superwealth may be SUPER VIRUS
From: Bradley D Richardson <bradrichardson@juno.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 09:15:21 -0800
Scott and others,

My sincere apologies if this caused a problem.  I thought it was funny,
thought others would also.  

I'm no expert, but I don't see how it could be related to you losing
info, or how it could be a virus.  There was no attachment, no link, it
was nothing but words typed into an e-mail, no different than what I'm
doing now.    Others have already opened it, and even responded to me,
didn't have any problems.  Kris opened it on her computer, no problem.

However, I apologize if it is the culprit.



On Sun, 10 Mar 2002 12:01:46 -0500 "Scott A. Roberts"
<herald1200@comcast.net> writes:
I just received an email on Spitfires@autox.team.net from Bradley
Richardson about "Superwealth" I opened it as it came from the Spitfire
list, and I figured it must be Spitfire related. It turns out it was an
ad for something- I hit the "Reply All" button, to send a note about
inappropriatness of the subject matter, and it wiped out my contact list!
I have a distinct impression this e-mail is actually a self perpetuating
virus, which abducts your contact list, and sends itself out again.  I
highly recommend if you see "Superwealth" that you should delete it

I am now going to try to recover or restore the contact list. And I am
adding Bradley Richardson to the blocked sender's list...

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