At 08:14 PM 3/6/02 -0600, Gary Hutton wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm starting on my first engine teardown and have reached the woodruff
>key on the crankshaft. Haynes says pull it out with pliers - who they
>trying to kid. I'm a little hesitant to try pounding under it with a
>screwdriver to force it out - is there a list-approved method other than
>that? And I might as well ask about putting it back in - do you just
>press it in until it goes no further?
It's just a semi-circular piece of metal with a straight back on it. Think
of it shaped like 25% of a coin. You just put a screwdriver to the joint
between the key and the crankshaft and pry up. Sometimes tap the
screwdriver with a mallet. It's just a friction fit. If you are worried
about damaging the crankshaft, use a brass hammer instead to tap the
key. Installation is just putting it into place and tapping it down.
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