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Re: (no subject)

To: JohnZissler@aol.com
Subject: Re: (no subject)
From: Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou <doug@dougbraun.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 21:50:51 -0500
Find an official factory parts catalog!  Or a Rimmer's or TRF catalog
is almost as good.  Every piece of standard hardware has a coded
part number (usually beginning with "H") that tells the size, length
and style.  From TRF you can get a text file dump of their price list,
which has a description of every part number.  There is also an explanation
of the hardware part numbering scheme somewhere at www.vtr.com.

But watch out, there are many screws and bolts that are not quite
"standard" (e.g. head stud nuts, or the bolts for the driveshaft
flanges).  These generally have standard 6-digit numerical part numbers.
This should tip you off that you should order a genuine replacement
instead of getting something form the hardware store.

Doug Braun
'72 Spit

At 04:46 AM 2/14/02 , you wrote:
>Hello all,    I wonder if anyone knows where I can get information on sizes 
>of bolts for the Spitfire. Just to let you all know that there are some of us 
>out there that dont have their head screwed on the right way.......When I 
>dismantled the Spit I put all the bolts into a big tub and  guess what 
>???????  Yes you've guessed it,  I didnt label ANY of them. Now I have an 
>enormous task of sorting out what bolt goes where so ANY help would be 

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