The Hershey PA vintage hillclimb will again be running! April 19-21. I
understand it's a good course, and seeing a bunch of old cars running in a
non-competitive hillclimb is a blast.
Britfest in Succasyunna NJ is May 4. I know nothing about this show. Contact
is Charles (201) 796-8648.
The Carlisle PA Import Car show is May 17-19. If you're planning to come for
more then one day, it's cheaper to register your car for the fun field, and
park right in the center of the whole show (hint, we need to field more cars).
Red Mill British Car Dat at Clinton NJ on June 2. I know nothing about this
show. Contact is Richard Miller (908) 713-6251.
The Gettysburg PA mini-show is scheduled for July 14 this year. For a couple
of hours an armada of british cars take over this cute stylized shopping
center. I went last year and had a lot of fun.
And lastly, if you're in the DC area, July 19-21 will be the National Grand
Prix. Hooooweeee!
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