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Re: Wax oil? /practical classics

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Wax oil? /practical classics
From: "Tom O'Malley" <tomomalley@meganet.net>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 20:09:03 -0500
Michael writes...

>The book is "Practical Classics and Car Restorer on Spitfire 
>Restoration" published by Brooklands Books in 1987, ISBN 1 869826 442. 
>No authors' names given, as it is a compilation of various articles in 
>the magazine mentioned in the title.

Not sure if you're aware but there are two books with this title.  The
earlier version has a black cover and is probably the one you list
above.  The newest one has a yellow cover and was published in 1995.

I have both. No material is carried over from the earlier version.
It's the new version that covers the 1500 restoration we were chatting
about a day or so back.

Tom O'Malley 

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