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Re: Any classic events, worldwide, 13/14 July?

To: "Mitchell, Doug \(D.B.\)" <dmitchel@ford.com>,
Subject: Re: Any classic events, worldwide, 13/14 July?
From: "Suzie" <suzie_bear@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 17:48:06 -0000
Thanks people,
That gives us a couple of things to consider though I must confess I think
we're both leaning towards the tropical island with plenty of sun, sea &
sandy beaches. Just thought it would be a good idea to see if there was
anything else we could consider working into the trip.

Doug wrote:
> Well, you can come to Michigan for the Mad Dogs & Englishmen
> in Kalamazoo and then head for Red Wing, Minnesota for the
> VTR national the following week.
In response to Richard:
> Checking my C&SC Calender (under a nice picture of a Ferrari 250GTC
> Cabriolet - no, I'd never heard of it before either) it gives:
> 13th July - Summer Grand Classics in Michigan and Ohio
> 14th July - Pomona Swapmeet, California
> Lakeland Classic Event, Lancashire (not quite so exotic,
> although you wouldn't have to leave Baby Blue behind!)
> plus a couple of UK race meetings

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