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Paint inside engine???

To: "Team,Spitfiresautox" <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <griffco@cadvision.com>
Subject: Paint inside engine???
From: "BILL McDEVITT" <wmmk1@informatics.net>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:39:03 -0600
Fred, I'm from the "Old Corp" and I would never think about doing anything
inside the block that could flake or peel
off to plug the oil pump.
The oil pump is the life (Heart of the engine), without it you are sitting
along side of the road watching everyone pass
you by!!
The oil splashes on all metal parts inside the block and should keep any
rust from forming, unless it's sits for many
Why would anyone allow a Spitfire sit for years??
Just my $ .02 cents.   Bill McDevitt -  MK1

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of 
Bill McDevitt.vcf]

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