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Re: Camber compensator

To: Mayer49@netscape.net
Subject: Re: Camber compensator
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 07:48:46 -0700
Mayer49@netscape.net wrote:
> Thanks for the advice.  I already have the 7/8 anti-roll bar, and i want to 
>install urethane bushuings at some point too.  I will have to try out the 
>Swing spring idea next season.
> Thanks again,
>   Dave
>     '68 Spit (WIP)
> "Gary Kristjansson" <garykristjansson2001@rogers.com> wrote:
> >Try autocrossing without the compensator.  You may not go as fast but you'll
> >have a great time.
> >
> >If you want to upgrade your suspension start  with a swing spring and
> >matching front 7/8 anti-roll bar from a 1500 and throw in urethane bushings
> >all around.  The good news is you can probably use a swing spring that the
> >1500 guys are getting rid of due to the narrower rear track on your Mk3.
> >
> >Gary
> >'64 Spit
> >71 GT6

If you are going to be autocrossing, the Swing spring is not as effective as 
the camber compensator.  It offers up too much body roll compared to the
fixed spring.  I have also found that with the fixed spring and the camber 
compensator the 7/8" front sway bar is too stiff.  Going back to the 5/8
one is much better (at least on my car).


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