In article <>, Michael
Hargreave Mawson <> writes
>In article <>, John
>Hobson <> writes
>>Have you tried Spitfire Graveyard,
>Dear John,
>Excellent idea - and, no, I haven't. I've become so used to getting my
>second-hand parts from TRGB that I had forgotten all about the
>> I'm happy to wander along there and
>>check the quality of the parts if you like?
>That is very kind of you, and much appreciated. I think the left and
>right-hand ones are interchangeable, but if they are not, it is the
>off-side one that I need to replace. If you could find me a nice clean
>and tidy one for a sensible price, I'd be much obliged.
Pat Catchpole in Milton Keynes thinks that he might have one. He won't
be able to check until the weekend, though. Can you hold fire on
checking at the Graveyard for me until I hear from him? Milton Keynes
is a lot closer than Sheffield!
Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea"
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