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Re: no reverse

To: WRROOPE@aol.com
Subject: Re: no reverse
From: Nolan Penney <npenney@erols.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 20:33:49 -0500
Chuckle, don't feel too bad.  I was in your exact predicament with my first
Spitfire a few years ago.  I'm sure a whole lot of us were in fact. :-)

WRROOPE@aol.com wrote:

> Boy do I feel like an idiot. I tried everything to get it in reverse but no
> luck. Pushing down and over did no good,  pushing hard to the right , etc.
> Thanks to the list for showing me where reverse is. Went out in the dark and
> pulled up on the shifter and what do you know, it went into reverse and the
> backup lamps even worked. Thanks again for putting up with a newbie.

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