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inline brake booster

To: "Spitfire" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: inline brake booster
From: "Huw Upshall" <hupshall@triumphcars.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 00:02:26 -0800
I need some comments and information from people who have had experience
with those lockheed inline brake boosters.  The ones that break into the
hydraulic line and provide boost (not the ones that go between the pedal and
the cylinder)

Specific questions:

How much boost do they provide?
Do they change the amount of fluid displaced?  (I don't think so but need to
be sure)

Any good sources other than VB for these suckers?

I'm planning on using one of these in my clutch circuit.  I've had to do the
best I can with my clutch but the triumph throw is so short that to get the
right amount of fluid displacment to operate the hydraulic throwout bearing,
I needed to get a bigger diameter master cylinder.  Hence, it's really HARD
to push on the pedal.  I'll have a left foot the size of a tree trunk if I'm
not careful.

 Huw Upshall
                               home: hupshall@triumphcars.com
                               work: hupshall@microsoft.com

                        http:        www.triumphcars.com

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