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Re: Header Saga

To: Atwell Haines <Karbuff@optonline.net>, Alan Lemen
Subject: Re: Header Saga
From: Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou <doug@dougbraun.com>
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 21:47:15 -0500
At 02:11 PM 11/3/01 , Atwell Haines wrote:
>Doug, Alan is right.  There is one of the twisted metal straps supporting the 
>bottom of the manifold from the bell housing, and another strap a few inches 
>back, supporting the exhaust from a transmission bolt.  The next mount is at 
>the differential. The first rubber mountings are at the silencer itself.

I managed to attach the little twisted strap to the right place
on the OD transmission.  It was tricky getting the nut off the stud,
because it wanted to bind against another stud just before it came completely
unscrewed.  If the stud had been 0.01" longer it would not have come off
without taking the OD apart.  But now I have all the straps and brackets 
exactly like the parts book shows.  (BTW, for MK IVs at least, there
was no bracket between the bell housing and the pipe.)

With the last mounting bracket in place, the resonance at 1100 RPM
is greatly reduced.  The moral is: the people who designed the car
more or less knew what they were doing, and the stock exhaust is
a good compromise between power and noise.


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  • Header Saga, Douglas Braun & Nadia Papakonstantinou
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