Maybe that explains the problem then. My heater control isnt actually
connected yet, the valve isnt even installed - let alone the cable
being installed - so its currently set on hot all the time.
I have another question regarding this - what exactly gets heated? I
know the water from the engine heats something - that obviously gets
blown in with the fans. But is there anything else that gets heated
up - like near your feet? My feet get very hot - im not sure if this
is just the engine or what. Im pretty sure it shouldnt be getting
that hot. Obviously if its set on hot constantly and it does heat the
floor then Im going to put in that control valve before summer - ubt
for now - seeing as its winter Im not too bothered.
1977 Pimento Red Spit - nice and toasty permanently
---- Message from Dean Rayner <> at 22 Oct 2001
14:24:23 +0100 ------
>On Saturday, October 20, 2001 8:31 pm, James Carruthers
<> wrote:
>>Is it worth converting the jets to the "static" versions? Or
>>should I just get another heatshield?
>Probably both! Certainally get a heatshield.
>>I feel like a complete idiot asking this sort of question.....
>>it must be so simple. I imagine its either a blockage or an air
>>trap of some sort.
>There is probably some water still in the system. It is almost
impossible to get it all out, and air locks. Keep checking the
levels for the next few days.
>Oh... It just occoured to me ... did you open the heater water valve
before you drained the system? If not, water will be held in the
heater radiator.
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