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Recent Canadian Statement

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Recent Canadian Statement
From: RTriplett@bjservices.com
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 13:49:02 -0500
Here is a posting that I just received from my cousin in Canada, which lets
us know that we (U.S.) isn't alone in its grief:
 >This morning we interrupted classes and held brief services on all four
of our campuses.  >Here are the remarks I made on our headquarters campus
in Surrey. Derek is our Vice >President for Education Services.
>My name is Derek Francis and I work here at Kwantlen.
>The Prime Minister has declared today as a National day of mourning for
the >thousands killed in Tuesday's terrorist attacks in the United States.
This is >Canada's first national day of mourning in 34 years.
>As we stand under this bright and beautiful sky it is almost impossible to
>comprehend the terror and the horror and the very many innocent victims
>who lost their lives in the dreadful terrorist acts on Tuesday in the
United >States ? in New York and Washington and Pennsylvania.
>Kwantlen has many institutional and individual connections with the United
>States.  In particular numerous students and employees are from the United
>States or have friends and family in the United States.  We think
particularly >of them today.
>Our profound sympathy goes to the families and friends of those who lost
>their lives and to all the people of the United States.
>We also want to pay tribute to those thousands of brave emergency workers
>who continue to struggle to save lives; many of them have made the
ultimate >sacrifice in carrying out their duties.
>I now ask our President, Skip Triplett, to speak.
>This tragedy has touched me personally.  My father was an American who
>came to Canada in 1939 to join the Royal Canadian Air Force.  He married a
>Canadian and gave his life to prevent this kind of terror from gripping
the >world.  Consequently, though I was born and raised in Canada, most of
my >family members are American and I grieve with them.
>From those of you who follow religious traditions and personal spiritual
>philosophies, I ask for your prayers for those who were lost and for their
>loved ones ? and for wisdom for our world leaders.
>From all of us gathered here today, I ask for personal resolve to work out
our >differences peacefully and with mutual respect ? so that the
destructive fire >of hatred never burns within us again.
>I ask that we now observe a minute of silence as we pray or express our

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