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Re: A MUST READ for Americans: Canadian Commentary

To: "BILL McDEVITT" <wmmk1@informatics.net>,
Subject: Re: A MUST READ for Americans: Canadian Commentary
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:22:10 -0400
> If you've read message boards devoted to the recent attacks in New York
> DC, you've seen a lot of negative commentary on both our country and what
> means to be American.  In this case, a man from another country spoke in
> defense.
>     This is from a Canadian newspaper and IS worth sharing.......
>     America: The Good Neighbor.
>     Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to a
>     remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a
>     Canadian television commentator. What follows is the full text of his
>     broadcast.
Not that it matters relative to the content or heartfelt feeling of Gordon
Sinclair's message, but I do believe this editorial was not written in
response to the recent events. ISTR it was originally penned a few years ago
and those that saw the relevance in Mr. Sinclair's message at that time will
likely agree even more so in light of the recent atrocities. Our prayers and
deepest sympathies go out to all those whose family and friends were
directly impacted by these barbaric acts.

    _       _
   | \     / |        Keith R. Stewart
   |  \   /  |        75 Camden Road
   |   \_/   |        London, Ontario
   | 62 | TR4|        N5X 2K2
   | 67 |TR4A|        Canada
   | 70 |Spit|        Home:    (519)660-1916
 __|    |Mk3 |__      E-Mail:  kstewart@wwdc.com
|  |    |    |  |
 \T \___|___/ H/      (and a 68 Triumph Trophy 250)
  \ R I U M P /

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