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Hello all you Triumph nuts--

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Hello all you Triumph nuts--
From: "Michael D. Porter" <mporter@zianet.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 22:20:28 -0600
I'm back, briefly... trying to get back into the Triumph mode of
thinking by trying to get the ratty-tatty daily driver in good enough
shape to make it up to Breckenridge (and back!).

Have had some trans shifting trouble (balky in 2nd and 4th) over the
last month, was ready to yank it today, but thought to check the
linkage--various bushings worn out or missing, so, made one good one out
of two, and the 2nd and 4th hitches and grinding are gone. Still sounds
like the 3-4 synchro bushing is badly worn, but no trouble shifting....
Sure hope someone's got a few spare high-altitude needles, because I
forgot to get `em.... (!)

To recap on previous couple of months.... My mother has just gotten
through surgery okay, as of yesterday, but will be looking at several
months of chemo and radiation. I thought the surgery wouldn't be until
September, otherwise I'd be in Boston now. Maybe they didn't want to
tell me so I wouldn't change my plans for Colorado. 

And, I've literally had a second full-time job doing some community
organizing work against the permit for a proposed nearby hazardous waste

And, work's been a hassle--just when I thought I had a little time,
someone decided to move our offices from one end of the plant to the
other, so it's chaos at home and work.

To bring all those interested up to date on the video John Macartney is
working on, and the status of the first annual Charles Macartney
Memorial Prize, John had some unfortunate happenings with the teaser
video--brought it to a local shop for some editing and conversion to
NTSC, and a couple of weeks ago, he said it looked great (had even
edited out the several minutes when he was walking around with the
camera on, while it was pointing at the ground), and when he came back
to pick it up, discovered that the video operator had been fired, and
the fellow had done his best to wipe out all in-work video and computer
files before he departed.... So, I will still have a sign-up sheet for
the final video (complete with Seven Cathedrals Rally footage) available
in the hospitality room. John is trying to send a raw copy before I
leave, but I may not have time to have it translated to NTSC in time. 

The trophy is not done yet, but will be in a month or two and will be
delivered to the winner when done, but, in the meantime, we'll have a
permanent certificate (normally supplied when the travelling trophy is
passed on) and a very nice explanatory letter for the prize to the first
recipient from John. John wanted his father's last license plate worked
into the trophy, and he sent me a full-sized reproduction of the plate
which is about 30" x 5", but when I saw that, I figured the trophy would
have to be three feet long! So, I'm working on routing and carving out
the original plate in slightly smaller size, and that will take a bit
more time. 

But, we have judges, and general judging criteria (both the judges are
complaining that they could have been contenders--does that sound like
Marlon Brando in "On the Waterfront?" <g>). The general plan is to have
tags available to put on the car saying something to the effect of "I'm
a daily driver," which will let us know that the car is accessible for
judging, and we'll look over all the contenders in the hotel parking lot
maybe Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and/or evenings. 

Hope to see many of you in a few days. Anyone have any quick tips for me
with regard to autocrossing? I haven't done any competitive driving in
twenty years.... <chagrined smile> And, in the meantime, no time for
seat time.... <g>


Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM (yes, _that_ Roswell)

The gulf between content and substance continues to widen....

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