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Re: vtr

To: <Triumphs@autox.team.net>, "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
Subject: Re: vtr
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" <Laura.G@141.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 15:09:56 -0600
>Anyone checked the weather for Breckenridge, ==isolated showers 

>=thunderstorms F/Sat., no listing for Sunday, where are the clear 

blue skies
>of the Rockies ??   "FT"

This is typical summer weather in Colorado/the Rockies. It'll be 
sunny and warm part of the day, and then maybe rain for a bit in 
the afternoon and then clear-until the next day. What did we 
always say when I lived in Colo Spgs? "If you don't like the 
weather, wait 10 minutes, it'll change!" And it's true.

When we got to Littleton in June for the Great Race, it was hot 
and sunny. In fact, a bunch of the kids went down to the hotel 
pool-until they were chased out by thinderstorms in the afternoon.

Then, it rained off and on and sprinkled until about 6 or 7pm. 
Next morning-glorious! Until we got to Glenwood Springs-again, in 
the afternoon thunderstorms. 

Only those of us who'd actually lived in Colorado were like, "So?" 
Actually it was very nostalgic for me!

So, don't worry-I doubt it will rain the entire time-just 
"Isolated thunderstorms".

Have fun!

Laura G.

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