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Silly me!

To: <al-stewart@things.org>
Subject: Silly me!
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" <Laura.G@141.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:50:07 -0600
In my excitement, I forgot to give the url


Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Laura Gharazeddine" <Laura.G@141.com>
Reply-To: <Laura.G@141.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:48:07 -0600

>Well, my website is finally up! So, now you can all take a 
>look-remember, it's still being worked on (links that don't work 
>yet, etc) but you can take a peek and bookmark it!
>Way cool!
>Laura G.
>Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!                  

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  • Silly me!, Laura Gharazeddine <=