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Re: Head gasket

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Head gasket
From: "Greg Rowe" <growe58@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 21:29:55 -0400
>From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
>Grant Buss wrote:
> >
> > I started the Spitfire today after replacing a head gasket. I am going
> > to re-torque the head. Should that be done when the engine is still hot
> > or do I do it after it cools down?
>Yes, the proper technique is to bring the engine up to operating 
>temperature and immediately pull the valve cover and rocker assembly and 
>while it is still hot and expanded.  The head bolts should require a bit of 
>tightening to bring them within the torque specification.  After that,
>wait for the engine to cool and then reinstall the rocker assembly and 
>reset the valves.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing, but am genuinely curious.  IIRC, this
is not a factory procedure, but has become generally accepted dogma.
However to my way of thinking, if Triumph wanted 46 ft/lbs hot, they
would have specified that.  If you torque to 46 ft/lbs cold and then
re-torque to 46 ft/lbs hot, then you are getting 50 or 55 or whatever
ft/lbs cold, and are in fact slightly overtorquing the head.  At least 
that's the way I see it.
Why would we not follow Triumph's recomendation?

Greg Rowe


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