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All Triumph Drive-In 2001 -- North Vancouver, BC --

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net,
Subject: All Triumph Drive-In 2001 -- North Vancouver, BC --
From: Michael_Bayrock@translink.bc.ca
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 15:58:02 -0700
To paraphrase the Muppet Show ...

  It's time to wash the windshield
  It's time to wax it right
  It's time to raise the curtain on the Triumph Drive tonight!

Yes, the All Triumph Drive-In is being held this weekend in North Vancouver,
BC.  We have 80 people registered for the event, coming from California,
Montana, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Ontario, BC, ... and the weather
office predicts hot and sunny weather through the whole weekend.

We're still accepting registrations at the Hotel all day tomorrow and at the
Waterfront Park on Saturday morning. But we're also inviting anyone who's in
town to come down on Saturday and see the collection of Triumphs in the
sunshine  beside the sea.

It promises to be a fantastic weekend, and I hope to see many of you here.


Michael Bayrock
Secretary, Webmaster, ATDI Registrar
BC Triumph Registry
michael_bayrock@translink.bc.ca (work)
bayrock@apexmail.com (hobby)

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