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Re: Stalling problems

To: "St.John, Kenneth" <ken.stjohn@hexcel.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Stalling problems
From: Fred Griffiths <griffco@cadvision.com>
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 16:57:00 -0600
Was plagued with the same problem for years.   Everytime it
stalled, I'd remove the filter, blow out the rust, refit it,
blow some air into the gas tank (by mouth!), to refill the
filter and we'd be off.

I always suspected the rust clogging the filter, but no...
The last time it happened, and I had the filter pulled off,
a friend noticed the rubber hose connecting the front filter
to the fuel tank line was split.  New hose and no more

Seems the fuel pump could suck air - sometimes -  causing

Cheers, Fred
Fred & Wendy Griffiths
        ('71 Spitfire MK IV - on the road)
        ('73 Spitfire 1500 - on the mend)
        ('74 Spitfire 1500 - on the ropes)
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

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