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Re: Sharing the woes

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Sharing the woes
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 07:01:57 +0100
In article <45EA241CE5DFD31182E0009027E869D416C5FB@snark.intellinetics.c
om>, Bowen, Patrick <pbowen@intellinetics.com> writes
>Just a guess, but if I was going to go egg someone, I would buy the eggs
>right before I did it (ok no great criminal mind here).  Since you know
>where they were bought, you could go talk nice to the manager and have him
>review his tapes for you.  Just takes a few minutes.  Filing a police report
>would be a good idea, however, you have already washed away the evidence.

Thanks for the suggestions.   I have already filed a police report, but
I'm not convinced that they are going to do anything - they don't seem
to have recorded the previous three incidents that I reported. :-(   The
evidence has been photographed, and I have one of the egg boxes
(complete with dates and batch numbers).

I will nip in to Tesco on the way home from work this evening and see if
I can get some assistance directly.

Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea"

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