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RE: price of a rear fender

To: "Rick Gregory" <gregrick@ncmg.com>, "'Ptegler'"
Subject: RE: price of a rear fender
From: "Chris Sharp" <sharpc@interaxs.net>
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 14:05:28 -0400
Damn F___ing SUV's!!!!

%$#^&&&^#$@#!     IDIOT!

I realize that your angry but the SUV didn't run over your car, the idiot
driving it did.  In addition to my Spitfire -- which I drive to work several
times a week -- I also drive an SUV (Jeep Grand Wagoneer) and a full size
Chevy van.  My wife and I are careful drivers.

Sorry for the bandwidth, I'm just a little tired of all of the SUV bashing
that I'm hearing.  According to some, my vehicles of choice are destroying
the ozone, responsible for murdering innocent children, and causing the
energy crisis in California.

OK, I'll go back into semi-lurk mode.

'64 Triumph Spitfire4, no cat or PCV valve
'85 Jeep, 5.8 Liters of gas guzzling power
'99 Chevy Van, a little something for the family

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