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Re: querstion for the suspension gurus

To: "Ptegler" <ptegler@gouldfo.com>,
Subject: Re: querstion for the suspension gurus
From: Kevin Rhodes <krhodes1@maine.rr.com>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 12:33:19 -0400
I have 1300 front springs on the front of my car - they lowered the front 
end considerably. Mine now sits dead level fore and aft rather than nose 
high. Ride seems a touch softer,handling seems about the same. Looks far 
better though!

Kevin Rhodes
Freddy the Spit of many years - 77 chassis, 74 trim, 69 1296 engine.

At 11:28 05/30/2001 -0400, Ptegler wrote:
>while considering the 30lb spring rate differences
>between the 180lb 1500 front springs and the 150lb
>1300 front springs...
>would swapping to the 150lb springs to lower the front end
>really effect the handling characteristics that much?
>Paul Tegler     ptegler@gouldfo.com    www.teglerizer.com

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