It does seem that one needs to know the part number each vendor is using, so
this will complicate your task.
Another problem is that the "cheapest" part is not always so. Many LBC
parts are being remanufactured in Asia, with varying degrees of accuracy or
quality. (This is particularly true of rubber parts.) So purchasing a poor
reproduction that lasts six months is obviously more expensive than buying
one that lasts for years ... unless you plan to drive your car only for six
months. As for knowing the good parts from the bad ones ... well, there's
the rub. My advice is to stick with the major, conscientious parts supplies
(i.e., Moss & TRF) for the tricky parts, and then contemplate using the
other vendors as the situation dictates. I also think it's a good idea to
get "uprated" parts ... such as bushings .. whenever possible.
This list is also a good place to ask first before you buy.
Martin Secrest
72 TR6
73 GT6
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