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A General Rant

To: SPIT mail list <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: A General Rant
From: Philip Warburton <cplimey@home.com>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 23:48:00 -0700
To all fellow listers,

I know that NONE of you would drive this way as you all own some form of
LBC, presumably if you are on this list, a Spit.

This past week when I have been on vacation and been blessed with such
awesome weather in the Vancouver, BC area, I have taken every opportunity to
take CJ with me anywhere I have been.
It is absolutely unbelievable the number of truly inconsiderate drivers and
people that just don't seem to think that other person "is a person" that
exists and drives the roads that they do.
On every journey I made no matter how short ( the shortest being 3 miles ),
I had to make some kind of defensive manoeuvre to avoid a collision or darn
near collision.

I used to drive a Mini way back in 1975-79 and I never had to make so many
harsh moves has I have to today. I suppose it is all apart of that mentality
of me  ... me .. me ... and to hell with everyone else.
I am ashamed of the way the Vancouver drivers are and hope none of you on
this list ever encounter such disrespect to another.
I do not drive aggressively, but rather defensively as I do drive  LBC (with
emphasis on the "L" part), but I think the discourteousness of others is
just plain rude and inconsiderate.

Have a great day everyone.


  *** Philip ***
1975 Spitfire 1500 - (otherwise known as 'CJ')


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