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What do you get when you cross a AAA with a AAU?

To: "triumphs@autox.team.net" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: What do you get when you cross a AAA with a AAU?
From: Larry Elswick <sos@kymtnnet.org>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 22:35:51 -0400
I got a pair of needles that are close to that
"Magic Pair" I've been searching for since
I finished my engine rebuild. Stations 3,4,5,and
6 of the AAA's  gave me hesitation free acceleration,
but 7-11 were a little on the rich side. AAU's had the
right mixture for stations 7-11 but 3-6 were too lean.
With help of  "How to Power Tune SU Carburettors" by Des Hammill
I modified stations 3-6 of the AAU's to match the AAA's.
It seems to be the best set of needles I've tried so far.

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