The All Triumph Drive-In is coming soon!
On August 10 thru 12, 2001, the BC Triumph Registry is proud to be hosting
this year's Drive-In in North Vancouver, BC.
Our theme, "From Sea to Sky" echoes our choice of venues for the weekend.
We start at the top of Grouse Mountain on Friday, have a car show at
Waterfront Park on Saturday, winding drives along the coastlines (or
fjordlines), and end up with a departure rally on Sunday.
More information can be found at our website at (follow the links to ATDI 2001).
One note: our block reservation for the host hotel rooms is available until
June 1. We're trying to get that date extended to July 1, but if you are
planning to come, please consider booking your room earlier than later so
that you can secure the preferred rate.
Michael Bayrock
Secretary, Webmaster, & ATDI Registrar (work) (hobby)
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