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Re: Engine Valances and Catalogues

To: "Dashwood, Dean" <dean.dashwood@enron.com>
Subject: Re: Engine Valances and Catalogues
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 08:01:59 -0700
"Dashwood, Dean" wrote:
> Listers,
> (To follow on from the recent valance threads)
> I am preparing my car for her first ever trip to Le Mans, which is just
> 4 weeks away (and I still haven't got a passenger yet since my original
> passenger dropped out - if any UK listers fancy coming along mail me
> off-list!)

Forget it!  You wouldn't be competitive.  The Audi's will eat you alive!  And I 
don't think they have allowed passengers in the race cars for years! 


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