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To: "Spit List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: LRP
From: "Graham Stretch" <technical@iwnet.screaming.net>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 19:24:34 +0100
Hi Folks
The folklore on Triumph engines is that the 2000 MKI / Vittesse MKI engine,
the one with the short studs under the manifolds, is the softest head they
made. I have been running one on UL petrol for 2 years now, I drive hard,
(you don't get nicknamed Valvebounce for nothing you know!) so far the
valves have always been within reasonable wear limits, comparable with
before the UL switch over. On her last MOT, at which the mileage was
100,000+ the emissions (no I don't have to have them tested, I choose to so
I can tell the "you drive a dirty old car" brigade where to get off!) were
so low she would have passed the cat test if she had a cat. The tester said
that it was obvious that there was no valve seat recession problem from the
results! Not sure the results can tell you that much but it made my day
The morale of this is if I can't get what is supposed to be the worst head
to recess then the other heads should be fine. None of our cars have been
"modified " to run UL, they are all running the same timing as original and
none of them pink.
The only thing to remember is under no circumstances run the valve
clearances less than spec! The valve relies on the time it is closed for
it's cooling, smaller gaps mean the valve is open longer.

1967 1300 FWD
1968 2000 Saloon
1972 2.5PI Saloon
1974 Sprinted Dolomite 1850
1975 Toledo in restoration!

http://www.mickdolphin.co.uk Spares Supplier.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard B Gosling" <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
To: "OC" <OC@46thFoot.com>; "spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: Valances and LRP

| Hi Mike,
| LRP - I'll second the advice not to mix different brands at the pumps, or
|  different brands of additive|  Daffy is lucky - when she had a re-con
engine a couple of years ago, I made
|  sure it was un-leaded compatible, so I have no such problems!
| Also, I have already found one BP garage that has stopped supplying LRP.
|  much longer will the other ones last...?
| Richard & Daffy

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