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'73 Spitfire

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: '73 Spitfire
From: "Larry Vaughan" <lvaughan@pldi.net>
Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 21:59:46 -0500
I got the new ignition switch installed. The extra wires went to stuff like,
seat pressure sensor, starter relay?
The fuel pump has a manual thing, I assume you push it a few times to prime
the fuel system, it didn't work.
I sucked on the fuel line, briefly, then held it as low as possible to get
some siphon going, three times to no avail, the fourth time I got more than I
wanted, but it was enough start the Mellow Yellow Bitch.
The carb shot a solid stream of gas out a vent hole?
The same thing happened when we started it in Denver, so I was just glad it
started and ran.
I removed the carb and intake manifold, installed the 40DCOE18 and Cannon
manifold, jury rigged the heater hoses with some copper tubing and plugs and
the Mellow Yellow Sweety started immediately with a rough idle.
After adjusting the idle, it would accelerate smoothly and go back to a steady
I had removed the seats and stripped the interior previously, so I didn't give
it a road test, but I am very happy anyway.

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