> I checked the Haynes Manual and they say to crank
down on the nut
> rod goes into the rack.
> What would this DO ??
I just rebuilt my rack and the teeth on the rack and
pinion wear more right in the center where small
correcting turns are always made.
Pulling the pinion out and rotating it 180 deg will
cut the clearance down some (about half).
The big nut above the pinion has shim under it and a
spring preloads a pad against the rack to control the
backlash between the pinion and rack. If it is
already tight, don't mess with it.
If you pull shim out from under the nut to reduce the
backlash in the center of the rack (and the rack is
worn in the center) it may bind up or jam at the ends
. This would be bad.
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