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Re: Saskia fails her MOT!

To: "John Hobson" <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk>,
Subject: Re: Saskia fails her MOT!
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@home.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:49:30 -0400
Go get yourself a copy of the April 2001 edition of "Practical Classics"
(There is a pretty red Herald coupe on the cover)

They have (what appears to me) an in depth article on the MOT inspection,
and tells a lot about what you've mentioned.


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hobson" <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk>
To: "Spitfires mailing list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 9:07 AM
Subject: Saskia fails her MOT!

> I took Saskia for her first MOT since I've owned her yesterday and she
> failed!  Some of the things that she failed on seem somewhat suspect,
> although I think she was having a bit of an off day, which rarely helps!
> For a start she decided that the hazard warning flashers would not work
> on that occasion, and they have been fine previously, and I have tested
> them since, and guess what...they are fine!
> One of the headlamps was aiming too low, I guess that this is easy enough
> to fix myself?
> One of the steering gaitors had split, I would imagine that a lot of the
> time involed in replacing this would be that spent partly dissasembling
> the steering rack, can anyone comment on how easy this would be to
> replace?
> There's a bit of a problem with the handbrake, I think it just needs
> adjusting, which I told the garage to do beforehand, but they didn't...
> Another point that she failed on was the wiper blades, there is a gap in
> the middle of the screen that they don't wipe, although I am sure that I
> have the correct size blades and wiper arms. Is this normal on a spit?
> They claim that both of the front seats are insecure, they are both
> bolted down fine, but just wobble a little, but then this is inherant in
> the design seeing that they are only secured at the rear in one place.  I
> can't see how this particular aspect could be improved.  Anyone else had
> this problem?
> And the final one is excess exhaust emissions.  I think this is due to a
> number of things.  Firstly one of the bolts securing the inlet manifold
> is threaded so that needs replacing, is this easy or hard to do, other
> than the obvious problems of gaining access to below the manifold?  Also
> the points are burnt out and I have a misfire, I think these two may be
> linked?  What else could cause my misfire?  The emissions results were:
> Co 5.26%, that passed, it was the Hydrocarbons that failed with 1464.
> There was also low compression on No2 cylinder, although I forgot to ask
> for the actual results.
> So quite a few things failed there!  Although only the emmisions one
> seems like it could be particularly troublesome, or have I missed
> something in my assumptions above?
> Any help you can give me to get Saskia through her next MOT would be very
> much appreciated!
> cheers all,
> John

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