I like to greet other LBCs, but get put off when it is not reciprocated.
When I drove an MGB GT, I could guarantee a wave out of any other MG driver (B,
Midget, whatever) apart from MGFs! One disappointment is that I don't always
get the same level of response out of other Triumph drivers, even though we
are fewer and further between. I have given up greeting Dolomites and their
relations (never bothered with Acclaims), but usually try to wave at any
sporting Triumph or Herald/Vitesse. 80% of Spit and GT6 drivers wave back,
but probably less than half of the other models (although it happens so rarely
detailed statisitics are hard to come by). I shall persist!
For a while I continued to wave at MGs, but they never wave at me, only their
own kind, so I gave up on them!
Richard & Daffy
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