Joe Curry wrote:
> Craig (and all),
> I came to all my conclusions about Spit 1500 oil blowby from
> personal experience. Not needing any emissions stuff on a
> Mk1 (where my 1500 engine resides), I found no need to put all
> that heavy and restrictive stuff on the engine
I think we are back to the old problem where "emissions"
devices are removed without being fully understood.
The proper, original venting system consists of a bit of hose
and a few plastic bits, like tees and restrictors. It doesn't
cost horsepower, and probably weighs about 100 grams tops.
The system you seem to have replaced it with is more
complex, messier, requires cleaning, and I'm sure the
catch jar alone weighs as much as the original system. It
also pollutes, and saves no horsepower.
So you speak of removing "heavy and restrictive stuff",
when it is obviously neither. I just have to ask, why?
The original system is clean, light, efficient, and
causes no ill effects such as lost power or driveability. It
also keeps your underbody and driveway cleaner.
Why would you change it?
Again, it keeps coming back to this, if people were
responsible for their own cars, maybe legislators wouldn't
have to legally force you to lift your hood once a
year to prove you haven't "invented some new vent system".
Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933
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