IF you check out this link, you will see that is what I recommend:
Craig Smith wrote:
> What about a catch can ?
> Most of the short track guys run them all the time.
> It's not environmental safe and all that but REAL efficient
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Curry [mailto:spitlist@gte.net]
> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 2:01 PM
> To: Spitfire Internet Mail List
> Subject: Re: Weber DGV vacuum
> I don't even suggest running the pipe to the carb! The fact of the matter
> is that the tube on the valve cover is not sufficient to relieve the built
> up pressure. So even if you could fit a vented breather cap under the
> Spitfire bonnet, it would still be insufficient to relieve this pressure. I
> think the reason is that there is not enough space in the pushrod holes to
> allow all the pressure up into the top of the engine so most of it stays
> down in the crankcase and wants to vent out the dipstick tube.
> Joe
> Chuck Pedretti wrote:
> >
> > This may be a silly question, but why not just put a breather in the valve
> > cover and forget about running it to the carb?
> >
> > Chuck Pedretti
> > Senior Consultant
> > Magenic Technologies