Well, I spent several hours this evening on the latest chore- I am stripping
the Herald of its BRG repaint, and the original light blue- everything down to
bare metal soon. I must admit- it is wonderful to have a car that disassembles
so nicely- and in only the space of a 1 car garage!(Actually, it is a two, but
3/4 of the space is taken up with other automotive endeavors and operations!)
Tonight I had the pleasure of removing the center section of the body- I can
pick it up and move it about by myself. Nice- I will not need to send it out
to the chemical stripper, but I will have to replace the drivers footwell. The
rear section, doors and bonnet/mudwing section are all slated for chemical
stripping, so as to completely remove the waxy-oil, and dirt build-up, as well
as the layers of paint, etc. inside and out. That will be part of my tax
refund. Another part will be all the stuff I need to restore her- mainly body
seals. etc.
I found I can also lift the rear section single handedly- though not as
handily as the center. But enough that I know I will be able to load it in the
pick-up for the trip to Allentown, when it is time.
For those who are interested- this frame is beautiful- I can't wait to remove
everything and repaint it, then bolt the body on and paint it again!
I should have pictures posted in the next few days of this work- I'll drop a
note when I do.
64 Herald 1200 Convertible, Trimf