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Re: Cambs/Beds Spits

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Cambs/Beds Spits
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 18:39:37 +0000
In article <"05FF63A9B82AB00F*/c=us/admd= /prmd=Cat/o=NOTES/s=Gosling/g=
Richard/i=B/"@MHS>, Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
>Glad to find another local Spit owner!  Particularly one with a car similar to
> Daffy!  Yes, Daffy is an Inca Yellow 1500.

Wonderful.  We can make people think they are seeing double. :-)

>  She is my daily driver, from St.
> Neots to Peterborough every day, sun, rain, winter, summer.

Mine takes me from Bedford to Silsoe every weekday, and anywhere else I
might want to go at weekends.

>  Right now the
> hard-top is screwed down nice and tight to keep me cosy in the cold weather -
> roll on the day I can swap it for the soft-top!

My dear chap!   I don't *have* a hard-top - and I've already driven her
with the soft-top down several times since I got her ten days ago.   The
top only goes up when its raining or snowing...

(OK, the macho image doesn't suit me.   The fact is that I hope to pick
up a hard-top from a club-member at the next meeting.   Mind you, if it
looks as though the snow is over for the year, I might not fit it until
>I never joined the TSSC for a several reasons.  First, my first Triumph was a
> TR7 I bought half-way through its restoration and conversion to V8.  I
> suspected I might want to buy a Spit too at some point so I joined Club
> Triumph, as this covers both cars.  Incidentally, the TR7/8 was never
> finished, and sadly I ended up selling the separate parts off.

Shame about the TR7 - but I never liked those cheese-wedges anyway...

>  Second, I have
> never really found the time to get involved in club activities, so joining a
> second club seemed not worth it.  Thirdly, I have found that the Spitfire
> List, plus Jeff's Totally Triumph Garage, to be the most useful 'club' I could
> ever need!

"Jeff's Totally Triumph Garage"?   Do tell.
>I guess that, from Bedford, TRGB is your closest Triumph specialist - in which
> case you must come past pretty close to me if you ever go there.

All my parts ordering so far has been done by telephone, and I have no
idea where or what TRGB is (my local garage is run by a chap who used to
work on Spitfires the first time round, and I trust him to do a good
job).   Is it the sort of place one can go for a browse and a chat about

>  If you are
> planning a trip to TRGB one Saturday let me know, and you can pop in for a cup
> of tea (or whatever...) on the way home!  You are extra welcome if you bring
> Carly/Purdey or whatever name you settle on!

I think she has a preference for Carly, and I think she's right - after
all, Purdey was pretty lethal, and I hope my little yellow car won't
>Richard & Daffy

We look forward to meeting both of you.

Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea,"
to be published by Greenhill Books on 28th March, 2001:

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