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To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Appologies
From: Terry Thompson <firespiter@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 09:32:15 -0800 (PST)
Let me be the first to appologize before I get flamed.
I had a bit of a rant there. I know, no one was
talking about fire-bombing cars or even directly
forming predjudicial threats towards the Chinese.

The negativity was just getting on my nerves and when
I started to write why we should tone it down, It
started to build up and I got a bit off track. It's
just that I take a bit of pride in being a member of
this list and being associated with you, the members,
and when I see people that I have the perception of as
being really cool just go off on someone, it screws
with my perceptions . And I don't handle it well. 

If it's any consolation, I feel a lot better having
vented it. I do appologize for any hositlity that I
simply perpetuated with my words. Anger begets anger
and wrath is one of the seven deadly sins. 

-Terry (an Irish name with an Irish temper)
'76 spit 1500
P.S. Don't email me with all my misspelling/gramatical
errors. I told you, my English is bad. I took REMEDIAL
English in a Washington D.C. (where Ebonics is a
language course taught in the colleges) suburban
public high-school, and had straight C's and D's for
4+ years!!! I even failed 11 grade English - So my
english is bad. I know it! And I have HS transcripts
and a session of summer school to prove it. The point
I was making is that if your first language is English
and your grammer and spelling are worse than mine, you
should really be ashamed.
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

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