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part swapping

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: part swapping
From: Bradley D Richardson <bradrichardson@juno.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 08:20:54 -0800
I have swapped a couple parts with fellow listers, so far no problems,
but YES, there can be a risk.  Sorry yours didn't work out.



On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 10:49:41 -0500 "Graziano, Michael"
<michael.graziano@csfb.com> writes:
> screw him.  I've met people similar to that, only where spridgets 
> are
> concerned.  
> This old guy in TX wanted to replace his mallory distributor with 
> the stock
> one.  I had a stock one in great shape with a lumenition ignition 
> (as a
> spare).  So I told him and we agreed I would send it.  If he liked 
> it, he
> could send me the mallory.  Otherwise,  he could send me back the 
> Lucas (it
> was a 45DE4).  
> When I went to check,  I remembered that a friend uninstalled the 
> luminition
> and installed a pertronix when he borrowed it.  A brand new one at 
> that.  He
> then decided to go back to points and gave me back the dizzy.
> I emailed the guy in TX and told him about the mix-up.  No response. 
>  After
> about a week,  I boxed it and sent it. 
> No reponse after a week.  After two emails sent to him asking him if 
> he got
> it,  I got a reponse that knocked me off my feet.  He told me how 
> pissed off
> he was that I pulled a switch, that I was dishonest, all kinds of 
> crap.
> When I reminded him that the original deal was that we would only 
> switch if
> he was OK with the dizzy I sent him.  He told me that it was my 
> "only
> redeeming quality".  He then complained that shipping it back would 
> cost him
> money (it was $5 to send it to him) and time and that it was my 
> fault.
> So I told him, "keep it, don't keep it, I don't care" and wrote it 
> off.  For
> all I care, he can stick it up his .....
> For the most part,  part swapping has been a good experience for me. 
>  But
> there will always be the few that try to screw everyone.  This was a 
> person
> that I has exchanged emails with several times in the past (he's 
> also on the
> mgs list as he has a B) and he seemed normal enough.  Little did I 
> know he
> was off the wall.  But now I know,  and all it cost me was a good
> distributor and a new ignition.
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris De Wet [mailto:DeWetC1@sapo.co.za]
> Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 3:24 AM
> To: 'triumphs@autox.team.net'
> Cc: 'spitfires@autox.team.net'
> Subject: Strange Triumph Owners
> Friends
> Some Triumph owners are just plain strange . 
> A while ago an elderly man phoned and told me that he acquired a 
> Spitfire Mk
> 3 . He needed some information and parts . Now I'm no expert and my
> knowledge and parts are basically limited to Mk 1 and Mk 2 Spitfires 
> , but I
> loaded the required parts ( and a few books ) into the Triumph 
> support
> vehicle ( wife's VW ) and drove 320 Km to his house . Gave him the 
> parts (
> no money exchanged hands ) and went over his Spitfire with books in 
> hand .
> Really a  nice car  . Few things missing , incorrect and damaged 
> beyond
> repair .  Told him I'll go through my parts and let him know what I 
> can help
> him with .
> Two days later he arrived unannounced ( without phoning first ) at 
> my farm
> and said he really needed the parts . I told him that I had not had 
> the time
> to sort through my parts , but we nevertheless went through some of 
> it and I
> once again gave him a few things ( NOS water pump , two very good 
> engine and
> gearbox  mountings etc. ) without excepting any money for it ( this 
> is my
> passion / hobby , not a business ) . We found some other parts ( 
> correct
> steering wheel , hinges , badges etc. ) that he also wanted , but I 
> told him
> I'll let him know since I had to make sure first whether or not I 
> needed
> those parts for my other projects . He didn't seem happy about it 
> and went
> home .
> A few days later I informed him that he could have those parts , but 
> he
> started shouting at me and told me that I was wasting his time since 
> he
> drove all the way to me and I didn't want to give him all the parts 
> he
> wanted . Very rude .... ungrateful ... aargh I don't have the words 
> .
> Triumphs are so extremely rare / scarce in South Africa and it's 
> just a real
> pity that some ( definitely not all ) of the people involved with 
> these cars
> have lost the passion and spirit of the hobby .
> Sincere apologies for the long ramblings of a passionate Triumph 
> owner that
> still try to keep the spirit of the hobby alive here in " Dark 
> Africa "  .
> Kind regards .
> Chris de Wet .
> TSCC ( SA ) membership number : 356 .
> '56 TR 3 ( TS 10795 ) + '64 Spitfire 4 Mk 1 ( FC 25680 ) .
> PO Box 472 , Ifafi , 0260 , South Africa .
> Telephone : 012-3398071 ( office ) or 012-2591129 ( home ) .
> Cellphone : 083 9989744 .
> Projects : '62 Herald 1200 Coupe , '65 Herald 12/50 ( convertible ) 
> , 
> '63 Spitfire 4 Mk 1 , '64 Spitfire 4 Mk 1 , '66 Spitfire 4 Mk 2 .
> The information contained in this e-mail including any attachments 
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