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More Caribou Canvas Tops

To: "Spit list" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: More Caribou Canvas Tops
From: "Dave Moag" <moag@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 21:07:52 -0800

I decided to throw my 2 cents in on this one. I too had a long (over 2
month) wait for the top from Caribou. I've certainly waited longer than that
for parts from TRF, so in itself not such a big deal... but TRF doesn't
charge me when I order, only when they ship. I really didn't like that
Caribou charges you the day you order, even if shipment is far away.

Worse than that, my top is 18 month old and the entire back window has more
or less torn away from the rest of the top. Frankly I've been hesitant to
add this to the mix. My Spitfire is basically used as a daily driver by my
18 year old. He has the top up and down far more than I ever would (I
basically just leave it down). And I'm sure he's far tougher on it than most
of us would be -- but nonetheless, I'm not thrilled to have to now find
someplace to sew the whole back window in.

Maybe this is isolated... maybe it's due more to how my son treated it...
just food for thought.

But they sure do look great!!!

Dave Moag
62 TR3B
77 Spitfire
La Canada, CA

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