IMHO, you be much better off switching to a set of UK spec HS4's on a UK
manifold or a Weber DCOE (or DGAV).
It's one thing to want to stay stock, but once you want to change, you
might as well put on something more reliable.
-----Original Message-----
From: S Twigg []
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 6:16 PM
To: Nass; Triumph List; Spitfire-Enthusiast; Spitfires
Subject: Carb Swap
I was wondering about the feasibility of replacing the ZS 150
carb on my 80 spitfire with a 175 from a TR7 (I don't have the specific part
nos. handy) and if it would provide any performance improvements. I figure
it probably wouldn't be a straight swap and was wondering what modifications
I might need to do (needle, swap the autochoke, etc.) Any and all thoughts
on this would be greatly appreciated.
Sean Twigg
'80 Spitfire
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