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Re: RE: Magic Cure In A Bottle

To: "Graziano, Michael" <michael.graziano@csfb.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: RE: Magic Cure In A Bottle
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 13:05:31 -0700
> As much as I love my LBC,  I still shake my head when I hear of people using
> these cars as their only vehicle.  I would be a nervous wreck any time I had
> to go somewhere if this was my only car.  THey aren't exactly the most
> reliable cars on the planet....
> <grin>
> Mike
> '78 Midget

Well, I'd probably feel the same if I were driving an MG Midget! ;-)

Actually, I've been driving Spitfires for so long in a daily basis that I am 
"as one" with the little beasties. They give pretty fair warning that there's 
somehting brewing-you just have to be in tune with the machine to pick up that 

The week of Dec. 18 alone, I had to drive up to L.A. and back four times-and 
twice the return trip was on a very restricted time table. Ran like a champ! 

Other than this (karmic ?) issue that I've been having with altenators, it's 
been a reliable car. With the newer cars I've driven in the last 10 years, I 
can barely hear the engine idling, it's so difficult for me to hear the car, 
feel the car and what it's telling me-that's when I become a nervous wreck! And 
at least with older cars, when the 'idiot' light comes on, it's saying "whoa! 
pull over-we have a problem!" With these newer cars, when the light comes on 
it's saying "too late sucker! This is gonna cost!"

Laura G.

Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!

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