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Re: Head rebuild help needed

To: dt gebhard <kimkell@decaturnet.com>
Subject: Re: Head rebuild help needed
From: William Manning <gripdad@earthlink.net>
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 10:47:28 -0800
    I would try crisscrossing the spark plug leads on the distributor. This is
an easy test to see if you have the timing out by 180 degrees. For some reason
every time I rebuild my race engine I get the timing out by 180 and I get
backfires and flames out of the exhaust. If you are lucky this will work
otherwise I would get a dial indicator and degree the cam per the instructions
in the competition manual. Good luck.
VARA E/P Spitfire #3

dt gebhard wrote:

> Spitlisters,
>     I've just completed some major work on the head of my Spit.(1977 1500)
> Things done include: pulled the head and had it magnufluxed,shaved(.015-.018
> end to end to make square),valve guides reknurled,3 way grind on valves,new
> springs. Other thing done at the same time is I put a new timing chain and
> tensioner on. Also put on a 4-2-1 header. Here's where I need help,after
> putting everything back together and making sure all thing are right,the old
> bird won't start,sort of,I'm getting backfire out of the carb (Weber DGV).
> Could I  possibly have the timing off with the install of the timing chain.
> I used the Haynes Manual as best as I could (it's hard to understand!) I
> really hate to pull the timing cover off again, so is there any tricks that
> anyone could offer to avoid this. If not how do I know for sure that the cam
> is in the right position to accept the timing chain. The manual shows lining
> up a couple of marks (center punches) along with a couple of mark on the cam
> gear. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
>             Dave Gebhard

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