Welcome to Spitfire ownership, and welcome to the Spitfire List! Since I
joined I have found this to be a wonderful resource, with a collection of
genuinely nice people who will go out of their way to help you, even though
they have never met you before and may live several thousand miles away from
you. They have been invaluable in the two years since I bought a Spitfire to
use as my daily driver, and I have now built up enough experience that I can
offer help at least as often as I ask for it! It is a wonderful thing that a
group of people can be bought together in this way.
There is no specific FAQ area. What there is is an archive of all messages
that have been posted in the past, accessed via www.autox.team.net. However,
there have been problems with this recently - I haven't tried using the
archive recently, can anyone confirm whether or not it is working again yet?
You can search the archive (if it is working...) using keywords to search
either the title or the content of the message, or search by the name of the
person who wrote it. This often can save asking the same question twice, but
we're all very nice, forgiving sorts of people around here, and we LOVE
answering other peoples problems (especially if they are easy!), so never
worry about whether you should be asking something or not.
Good luck, and ask away, we are here to help!
Enjoy your Spitfire,
Richard and Daffy (Inca Yellow '78 Spit 1500)