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Re: Spitfires on TV (Atomic Train)

To: Spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Spitfires on TV (Atomic Train)
From: Ken Strayhorn <ken@dukecomm.duke.edu>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 16:00:00 -0500
Laura beat me to it:

>What really surprises me is that for a movie that got terrible reviews and
>lousy ratings-how many people in just this one forum have actually seen it!

Hey, my excuse is that my son was watching it. Of course, he's
only 10. But even he found it silly . . . what's really
scary is that the network actually ran disclaimers after
each commercial break that, no, Denver has not blown up.

And thanks to all the folks who spotted my mistake - it
was indeed a TR-6 and not a TR-7. I can only blame lack
of coffee on a cold morning for that.

Ken Strayhorn
Hillsborough NC

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