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RE: Clutch : TR 3

To: "'triumphs@autox.team.net'" <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Clutch : TR 3
From: Chris De Wet <DeWetC1@sapo.co.za>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 14:07:43 +0200
Thanks to Michael , Greg , James , Paul , Steven , Dave , Randall , Mike ,
Richard and everyone else who responded with advice or words of
encouragement . Even the few jokes were appreciated . Thanks guys :-)

I will be on annual leave from the 18 December 2000 to 12 January 2001 and
will look into it more closely during that time . Maybe it's time for a
complete TR 3 restoration . 

Kind regards
Chris de Wet
P O Box 472 , Ifafi  , 0260  ,  South Africa  .
Telephone 012 - 3398071 ( office ) 012 - 2591129 ( home ) Cell 0839989744
Fax 012 - 3398201
One '56 TR 3 with o/d , two Heralds and four early Spitfires without o/d .

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris De Wet [mailto:DeWetC1@sapo.co.za]
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 12:15 PM
To: 'triumphs@autox.team.net'
Cc: 'spitfires@autox.team.net'
Subject: Clutch : TR 3


On Saturday I took a friend to a local pub for his birthday to watch the
rugby test between South Africa and England on the big screen satellite TV
. For those that don't know rugby , it's similar to American football , but
without all the helmets and padding ... real men don't need padding :-) .
Well , South Africa lost and I wasn't very popular when I humbly said hooray
so we quickly left .

On our way back , coming down a mountain pass and still going ... um ...
quickly , two young damsels in a red BMW turned , from a side road , right
in front of us and decided to stop immediately . No time to stop for us .
Not nice . I didn't think that we were going to make it , but lo and behold
, the '56 TR 3 swerved , turned , dived and did whatever else a TR 3 should
do in such a situation and avoided an accident . I was impressed and my
friend , though now completely silent , was also impressed . Great car . I
absolutely love my TR .

A while later we turned into the dirt road leading to the farm . I shifted
from third to second ... but no luck . From neutral it doesn't want to go
into any gear while engine is running . Clutch pedal feels OK . Fluid levels
are OK .  If I put it in first gear , press the clutch pedal and start the
engine it stalls ... Sad , very sad :-(

Have I killed my TR ? Did I damage her clutch ?

I still love my TR though .

Kind regards , 
Chris de Wet
P O Box 472 , Ifafi  , 0260  ,  South Africa  .
Telephone 012 - 3398071 ( office ) 012 - 2591129 ( home ) Cell 0839989744
Fax 012 - 3398201
TS 10795 : '56 TR 3 with o/d , 
two Heralds and four early Spitfires without o/d .

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