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Re: Re: Ro-Spit

To: "M. D. Nugent" <carcentric@yahoo.com>, Fred Thomas
Subject: Re: Re: Ro-Spit
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 10:02:10 -0700
> Having been in a similar situation (200hp 914), the mismatch was
> probably between car and driver skill.  I was very successful in a
> stock 90hp 914, but when I more than doubled the horsepower, I soon
> learned that my reaction time wasn't up to it.  It takes someone very
> special to look good in those cars.

This is why I don't race my car. And even though I don't drive it "like a 
grandma", I haven't been over 95-98 mph in it either. I'm a good driver, though 
it's been commented that my driving technique seems a bit european...I think 
that a good driver does know their limitations and isn't foolhardy about them. 
When I first got it, I was almost scared of it-I felt like I was riding a 
motorcycle that was too big and powerful for me! (I'd driven some fast, 
powerful cars when I lived in Italy-but this little Spit was a confrontation 
everytime I got in it!) In fact, Dave and everyone at the shop kept waiting for 
me to bring it back and trade it for something more "docile and ladylike"! (His 
boss' words!) But, the weeks and months went by and I got used to it. And after 
the jetting and first tune up, there was a bit less bit. He still has his 
giddy-up, it's just not quite as scary!

Sort of miss those days! ;-)

Laura G.

Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!

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