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speedo cables

To: "spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: speedo cables
From: "Ron & Susan" <rroach@direct.ca>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 06:33:05 -0800
Hey listers,
Well after many LBC's I finally have one with overdrive!  It cost a hell of
a lot, but the drive home was a riot!  The difference in revs at
100kmh(60mph) is amazing!
We couldn't locate the proper shifter with O/D switch knob, so I have a
toggle mounted under the dash until I either find a shifter, or decide on
another switch.
One thing that nees to be fixed though....  A new speedo cable was
installed, and an MGB angle drive was used at the transmission.  The speedo
stopped working on the way home, which happened to the fellow installing the
tranny earlier.  He thought he had it fixed, but it's happened again.  He's
not evtirely convinced that the speedo cable is a proper one.  The end of
the cable is shaped ovalish, and not square like other cables.  Is this
right?  Maybe the MGB angle drive is not grabbing the cable properly.  I'll
get the cable off the back of the speedo soon to see if it turns.
Any other ideas?

Thanks in advance...

'78 Spit WITH overdrive!

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